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CCR Platforming - La Cangrejera

Client: PEMEX Petroquímica

Location: Veracruz - Mexico (2009)

Engineering Procure and construction (EPC Project) to install a Continuous Cracking Reforming CCR Platforming at the Cangrejera. The plant shall produce Benzene, Toluene and Paraxylene with a minimum supply of naphtha 27,500 BPSD (Barrels Per Stream Day) of desulfurized naphtha, and its main product will be 21,254 BPSD of reformed gas rich in aromatic contents (benzene, toluene, xylenes) and 71,777.10 Nm3/h of net gas with a maximum content of 93.6% mol of hydrogen before purification.


Aromatics Train consist of:

Reaction Unit (CCR Platforming â„¢) and Regeneration Unit (CCR CycleMax RVG Unit Chlosorb Including a Continuous System â„¢) UOP Technology.

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